Can I self-study for the SQE2? 

Can I self-study for the SQE2?

With the announcement of rising fees (see SRA notification here), and prep course providers often charging eye-watering fees, it comes as no surprise that an increased number of students are considering self-study. The short answer to the question to “can I self-study for the SQE2” is “yes”. The long answer is, it depends.  It is…

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How long does it take to study for the SQE2? 

how long does it take to study for the sqe2

One of the most asked questions I get from soon to be SQE2 takers: how long does it realistically take to study for the SQE2?  And truth be told, there is not a simple answer and it depends on your personal circumstances.  I know people who wizzed through the material and revised for 2-4 weeks…

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