Advantage Package - SQE2 Mock Exams Only


SQE2 - Mock Exams

Are you overwhelmed by the masses of information you are expected to know?

Do you want to know what the SQE2 assessments could look like?

Do you want to get in more practice before attempting the exam?

Then, you are in the

SQE2 Mock Exam - Advantage Package

contains 2x mock exams for each assessment type in each subject. The mock exams are to self-practice with and contain sample answers.

The following is a visual breakdown of the mock exams included in each subject:

Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 12.10.57

Why SQE2 Mock Exams?

Get exam-ready through practicing

Created by someone who passed the SQE2 first time

Contains guides how to approach each assessment

What does each mock exam cover?

Each mock exam contains a task, and where applicable, the required material to do the task required.

Each mock exam also contains a suggested solution.

Each mock is designed to self-practice with.

What is the SQE2?

The SQE2 exam is the second of two "super" exams required by the Solicitors Regulation Authority in order to qualify as a solicitor of England and Wales.

The SQE2 exam contains the following assessments:

  • Written Part
    • Day 1 - Dispute Resolution and Criminal Procedure
    • Day 2 - Property and Wills
    • Day 3 - Business Law
  • Oral Part
    • Day 1 - Dispute Resolution and Property
    • Day 2 - Criminal Procedure and Wills

Each day of the written part includes:

  • Case & Matter Analysis (60min)
  • Legal Writing (30min)
  • Legal Research (60min)
  • Legal Drafting (45min)

Each day of the oral part includes:

  • Advocacy (45min prep and 15min presentation)
  • Client Interviewing (10min prep, 25min interviewing, and 25min writing an attendance note by hand)

Who will teach me?

madeleine weber

Hi there

My name is Madeleine Weber!

I have been working as a legal professional for half a decade, predominantly in the IT industry as an in-house counsel in the UK.

I qualified as a solicitor via the transitional arrangements by sitting the QLTS MCT and the SQE2.

I passed the first ever SQE2 exam on my first attempt in 2022.

Whilst preparing for the exam, I really wished I had additional mock exams to practise with.

That is what inspired me to prepare mock exams based on the Functioning Legal Knowledge required by the SRA.




What else do I need to pass the SQE2?

This is a very subjective question and will depend on your background and education. 

I personally would recommend to purchase a SQE2 preparation course, as this will provide you with all the tools to have the best chance to pass on your first attempt. 

My SQE2 mock exams should be relied on as supplementary revision aides. 

How long will I have access to the material?

You will have access for 1 year from the date of purchase. 

What exactly is contained in the mock exams?

You will receive access to 48 PDF mock exams to self-practice with including proposed solutions.

You will also receive access to guides on how to approach each assessment.

All materials are provided through the third party platform, Teachable and require setting up an account on the same as part of the purchase process. 

Are the mock exams contained in the advantage pack different to the single subject mock exams?

No. The advantage pack mock exams are the same ones as the single subject mock exams. If you have already purchased a single subject mock exam and want to upgrade to the advantage pack, please contact me at

Will I be able to access the material offline as well?

All materials are downloadable and usable offline.

The course is provided via Teachable. All materials will be available on all your devices either via a web browser or via the Teachable app. 

What is your refund policy?

If you are unhappy about any aspect of the course, do let me know and I will do my best to sort the issue out for you.

Otherwise, as this is a downloadable product, there is no refund policy for this item. 

Will you provide personalised feedback?

No. This package contains mocks with suggested solutions that you will need to mark yourself. For personalised feedback, click here for written assessment feedback and here for oral assessment feedback. 
